Neighbors in the Dog House

The neighborhood’s Facebook page is full of photos and posts expressing the frustration all of us are feeling, dog owners included, regarding all the dog poop we find in our front yards. Apparently, one neighbor found a poop bag in their backyard that was thrown over their fence.

The average dog produces roughly 274 pounds of poop a year. That’s a lot of waste and all dog owners need to do their part to clean up after their dog.

Please be a responsible dog owner

  1. Please respect yard signs asking you to take your dog elsewhere to do their business.

  2. Avoid letting your dog poop close to mailboxes, in driveways, or on the sidewalks.

  3. Clean it ALL up! Even a little left behind is not fun to step in.

  4. Dispose of the poop bags in your trash can - your dog, your trash!

  5. Please keep your dog on a leash.



Taking Action for Safer Streets: Join the Forest Pines General Board Meeting on June 27th!